Alberto Espay’s journey with
We’ve been lucky enough to have many people review our tools over the years, and we appreciate them all. However, we’ve never had one quite like that of Marina Noordegraaf in her tale, “Liberating Knowledge From The Shackles of Paywalls: Or, Why I Love Alberto Espay.” Marina is a patient advocate who asked Dr. Alberto Espay to make his papers freely available, and they used to do it. Along the way, they review, expose the nitty gritty details of self-archiving, create some incredible illustrations, and open up more than 30 papers and counting. Thanks to them both not only for making our day, but also for providing a great look into how can help liberate knowledge. You can read the full post here.

Marina has many other incredible posts in her work to connect scientists, caregivers, and patients. For example, we also greatly enjoyed “Never Delegate Hope.”