The Week in Links — April 26

What has been happening in the world of Open Access in the last week?

We are thrilled to announce this week the beginning of our Indigogo crowdfunding campaign! All the money raised will go towards a new tool, the Button 2.0. Get involved today! Read also Jon Tennant’s blog post about the Button campaign.

Do you think you’re unable to do anything at your level for Open Access? Yes you can! In his latest article Stephen Curry gives some simple examples to make things change: notably, know your rights regarding publishers and have them respected.

An interview with Martin Paul Eve, co-founder of the Open Library of Humanities about this alternative project and Open Access in general.

Do you know the institutions around you that can help you to fund your Open Access articles? PLoS created a list detailed by country and even by university.

Debunking myths about Open Access, one at a time: an article on the misconceptions around Open Access.

Springer finally retracts (instead of removing) 18 fake conference proceeding papers discovered last month.