The Week in Links — February 28

What has been happening in the world of Open Access in the last week?

Building Button 2.0: The Open Access Button from Co-Lead David Carroll for PLoS Blogs.

PLoS’ new open data policy was announced in December. Starting March 1, PLoS journals will “require authors to make all data underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction.” With the policy’s start date being tomorrow, there has been renewed interest in discussing the policy. Wired discussed the new policy positively in the article “Science wins as PLoS goes hard on Open Access. “ Researcher Erin McKiernan offered a different perspective in her blog post, “My Concerns about PLoS’s New Open Data Policy,” about the practical implications for the policy for researchers in countries outside North America and Europe.

UKSG announced that Insights: the UKSG journal is going fully open access with no article processing charges.

SAGE’s new open access journal Big Data & Society will start accepting submissions in March.

Times Higher Education discussed how small firms may lack the resources needed to make the most of open access.

MyScienceWork, the social network for scientists, has announced that the platform’s 30 million publications are now available without subscription.

University of Nairobi hosted an Open Access capacity building workshop to equip Repository Managers in Kenya with the skills to manage their institutional repositories.