OA.Report now free for thousands of funders to analyze and increase their impact using open research

Today, we’re releasing free public OA.Reports for thousands of major research funders to help discover publications they’ve funded, understand how open their research is, and increase the impact of their investments. This release is an important milestone for OA.Report, which was developed in partnership with the Gates Foundation and is currently in use at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Wellcome, the Michael J. Fox Foundation, and other major foundations.
OA.Report is an open-source tool that identifies research outputs organizations have supported, analyzes their openness (including OA policy compliance), and then streamlines taking action to make results more open.
In seconds, with no setup required, OA.Report provides funders with:
- A snapshot of their recent publications
- Insights on how open their research is, including how many publications are free-to-read, are open access, and contain data availability statements
- One-click actions they can take to make the research they fund more open
- Open data on their publications
- Documentation to help them understand their OA.Report
Free OA.Reports are powered by openly available data from several sources and automated analysis. However, they do come with limitations. Currently, there is no comprehensive source of publication data that is openly available, and automated analyses aren’t yet available to measure and improve every aspect of open research. Our premium reports enable upgrades that allow us to address both of these limitations while providing support for improvements to our open data and automated analyses.
OA.Report’s premium reports combine open data, institutional data, data we collect, and data we infer with more advanced state-of-the-art analysis to deliver:
- More publications. Using OA.Report, premium users have found between 45% and 325% more funded publications each year.
- OA policy compliance analysis, including taking into account which articles are covered (including complex requirements such as submission date, grant start dates, and complex authorship requirements).
- Grant IDs collected, cleaned, and matched to enable grant and program level insights.
- Analysis of how many papers have open data & open code.
- Deeper insights into your publishing and impact, including breaking down figures by subjects and journals and providing data on citations.
- Custom insights & strategies to help you get to know and support your community.
- And heaps of other benefits. Access to expert support within 24 hours, branded reports, historical data, daily data updates, quality assurance.

We’re building OA.Report because promoting open research is an established, inexpensive, and fast step funders can take to substantially increase the impact of their funding and the quality of the research they support, and to remove systemic barriers for marginalized communities. When taking action using OA.Report, users have seen 25% to 50% of their papers become more openly available. We think this makes OA.Report one of the fastest and easiest ways to make an immediate impact.

Start getting insights and increasing your impact today by using OA.Report to find your report. If you’d like a demo or a trial of a premium report, get in touch.
About OA.Works
OA.Works is a non-profit project building open source tools so that open access is easy and equitable. Our other tools include ShareYourPaper and OA.Support, which make it even easier for staff and authors to increase Open Access.
More about OA.Report

Our thanks to
Grant support for OA.Report was provided in part by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Arcadia. The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of these foundations.